The Benefits of Organic Food

From the soil under our feet to the food on our plate, organic is so much more than pesticide-free food and farming: it’s a complex, whole system approach with nature at its heart.

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soil, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather the system of human inputs that have unknown, or adverse effects.

On this page, we will dive in to what exactly is meant by organic, the benefits and why we are certified by the Soil Association.  

What Is Organic Food?

Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.

How that translates to the food we sell is no man-made herbicides, pesticides or artificial fertilisers, more sustainable use of the land and natural environment and greater transparency throughout the supply chain.

  • Health

    Organic agriculture sustains and enhances the health of soil, plants, animals and humans as one

  • Ecology

    Organic agriculture is based on living ecological system and cycles. It works with them, emulates and sustains.

  • Care

    Organic agriculture is practiced in a responsible manner that protects the health and wellbeing of current and future generations and the environment.

  • Fairness

    Organic agriculture builds relationships that ensure fairness the environment and life opportunities.

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Soil Association Certification

The term organic is defined by law and anything labelled with it has to comply to a strict set of standards.

This includes anyone who is growing, processing or selling organic food being certified by a recognised authority. 

Our Soil Association certification, which you may download from the link below, demonstrates we are selling organic food in accordance with the law.

View Certificate

Food Innovation

Red tape created by regulation is a barrier for new food to get on our plates.

Not only does organic certification require lots of admin, it's also rather costly.

Innovation in agriculture right now is incredible but because the majority of this is driven by individuals and small business, not all of it has the certification we're used to.

However, this is not going to stop us from championing it! 

For example, regenerative farming is a methodology that is not yet certified organic, however, it is as ethical (and delicious) a way of growing as we've seen.

ZBWF is not just about minimising waste, it is about quality and vitality. We want you to be nourished and delighted! Watch this space for lots more new food.